Coach Carter is a basketball film starring Samuel L. Jackson as the coach. Based on the true story of Richmond High School basketball coach Ken Carter, he made headlines in 1999 for suspending his undefeated team due to poor school grades.
Coach Carter realises the team members showed poor attitude, lacked respect for each other, and were deficient in basketball technique and physical conditioning.
He then decides to impose an obligatory contract, which demanded that players have a good academic performance, with an average grade of a C.
Calling the players student athletes is the perfect way to portray them in this film because it shows that the coach cares about the education as much as he does the basketball.
The film begins with a basketball game between Richmond High School and St. Francis High School. Richmond Oilers performed poorly and portrayed poor sportsmanship. Ken Carter is offered the job as Head Coach of the Richmond High School basketball team, the school he played for and achieved great success.
Mindset is key for the coach in this film because it is the way you are programmed to think, and he wants a group of students with the correct mindset both on and off the court.
He also reminds everyone that playing basketball in high school may not guarantee players social success in their life, but along with academic excellence, basketball can help the students get into college.
A disappointing aspect of the film is how unimportant the big game felt. The game towards the end of the film was supposed to be an intense championship game but instead felt like just another game. It would have been better if ther final moments of the film felt more intense, like in real life, instead of being a normal game.
In the end, the team played in the state championship tournament for the first time thanks to coach changing the mindset and attitude of his team. Everybody should watch this film because it can teach you many lessons including respect and determination and how important they are to succeed in any aspect of life.
Coach carters’ mentality is to be the best in everything he does. He wants the very best for his students both educationally and on the court which shows superb leadership and great drive. I would rate this film a 9/10 and it’s highly recommended to anyone who is in to sport or the game of basketball.
Overall, this film was very entertaining and taught many viewers a life lesson that education comes before everything. Coach really grounded and humbled his players by ensuring them that no one is better than the coach. Samuel L. Jackson’s performance in this film was very good as he played the role of Coach Carter perfectly.
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